
Tramp ant caught globetrotting under false name

A century-old mystery surrounding the origin of an invasive ant species was recently solved by an international team of scientists. Since 1893, when it was first discovered as an invasive species in the Canary Islands, entomologists ...

Spaceplanes vs reusable rockets – which will win?

Launching satellites, spacecraft and people into space is expensive because we only use our launch vehicles once. After delivering their payloads into orbit, our rockets either burn up in the atmosphere or crash into the ...

Faster, finer filtration

The right blend of polymers enables rapid and molecule-selective filtering of tiny particles from water.

How does the sun produce energy?

There is a reason life that Earth is the only place in the solar system where life is known to be able to live and thrive. Granted, scientists believe that there may be microbial or even aquatic life forms living beneath ...

Dam good research on invasive beavers in Patagonia

For three years, Duke student Alejandro Pietrek has bravely grappled with some unusual marauders of the forests and steppes of Patagonia: invasive beavers. A biology graduate student, Pietrek recently presented his dissertation ...

Soil provides new microbial sources for natural products

The role of the soil as a treasure trove of new, useful, natural products is again confirmed by the discovery of as yet unknown genes in Lysobacter bacteria. Research conducted by Wageningen UR and NIOO shows that these genes ...

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