
New research shows Earth's tilt influences climate change

Louisiana State University paleoclimatologist Kristine DeLong contributed to an international research breakthrough that sheds new light on how the tilt of the Earth affects the world's heaviest rainbelt. DeLong analyzed ...

Plasticulture system offers alternative for cabbage producers

In Florida, a major fresh-market cabbage producing state, cabbage production currently relies on bare ground and subirrigation systems. Because of the large volume of water these systems need for irrigation, finding alternative ...

Biochar suitable substrate for soilless hydroponic tomatoes

As the use of soilless, hydroponic growing methods becomes more prevalent among crop producers, researchers are looking for new materials that can help growers save money, produce healthy plants, and contribute to sustainable ...

Consumers' preferences for foliage plant attributes

Researchers used eye-tracking technology and rating-based experiments to determine what affects consumers' likelihood of buying indoor plants. The study in the October issue of HortScience offers new insights into consumer ...

CEO compensation study examines factors in excess returns

Of many issues associated with CEO compensation, excess returns are likely among the most controversial. UT Dallas researchers examined how boards face pressures when trying to control this problem.

Humans evolved to get better sleep in less time

Insomniacs take heart: Humans get by on significantly less sleep than our closest animal relatives. The secret, according to a new study, is that our sleep is more efficient.

Optimal conditions for forcing cut pineapple lily

The authors of a new study say that bringing new types of cut flowers to market is good for consumers and the floral industry. Alicain Carlson and John Dole published a study in the October 2015 issue of HortTechnology that ...

Extending the growing season for baby-leaf salad greens

Ready-to-eat salad mixes have experienced a tremendous increase in popularity and sales over the last 20 years. A study in HortScience reports that supermarket sales of the produce increased from $197 million in 1993 to $2.7 ...

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