
Was the Arab Spring a false one?

he Arab Spring has turned to winter. A year after protests, demonstrations and uprisings rocked the Arab world, hopes for peaceful transitions and free elections are fading in Egypt, Libya, and especially Syria, while elsewhere ...

weLearn application supports learning

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland has developed a free e-learning application called weLearn for Android tablets. The easy-to-use cloud service is designed to support and enliven learning by expanding the learning ...

New generation is making the holidays mobile

It's getting hard to keep Christmas gifts a secret these days. Last year, Twitter posts revealed what President Obama was buying for his daughters a few days early.

Experiment examining a SLICE of the interstellar medium

(Phys.org)—When you look up at the stars at night, the space between stars looks empty. But, yes there is something there. It's called the interstellar medium. An experiment from the University of Colorado will fly on a ...

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