
A database of enzyme diversity

Scientists have a constructed a new database of the diversity in an enzyme that is used by microorganisms to metabolize sulfur.

Three touchdowns for Rosetta's lander

(Phys.org) —After achieving touchdown on a comet for the first time in history, scientists and engineers are busy analysing this new world and the nature of the landing. 

China reveals designs for Mars rover mission

For many space-faring nations, ambitions for Mars run broad and deep. Now, add China to the list of countries with Mars in their sights. News reports from China disclosed that country is considering a future Mars rover mission, ...

Artificial muscle capable of 'remembering' movements developed

Researchers from the University of Cambridge have developed artificial muscles which can learn and recall specific movements, the first time that motion control and memory have been combined in a synthetic material.

Preparing local schools for teaching evolution in the classroom

When did life first appear on Earth? What does evolution say about the existence of humans? The topic of evolution has been added to the Year Six primary school curriculum and will be mandatory in all schools across the UK ...

Three-dimensional microtechnology with origami folding art

Antoine Legrain, doctoral degree candidate at the University of Twente, has developed a method to design microtechnology in three dimensions. The existing mini-electronics in computers and smartphones, for example, is strongly ...

How researchers are resurrecting antique musical instruments

In our modern age of specialization, it is increasingly rare to find the kind of individual who, in another age, would have been known as a Renaissance man or a polymath. The likes of Leonardo da Vinci, recognized for his ...

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