
Maine lawmakers snap over lobster fishing's impact on whales

As federal regulators look to impose limits on fishing lines that can entangle an endangered whale species, a bipartisan group of Maine lawmakers is rallying to block rules they say could tank the state's lucrative lobster ...

2022 summer, a dry wake-up call

The 2022 summer has shown us again how climate is becoming more extreme year by year. Sticking to business-as-usual and counting on adaptation alone will not work. Only a rapid phase out of fossil fuels will prevent the worst, ...

NASA's Chandra finds galaxy cluster collision on a 'WHIM'

Astronomers taking inventory of the material in the local universe keep coming up short. A new result from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory about a system of colliding galaxy clusters may help explain this shortfall.

Replicated molecules reveal hiding method of bacteria

Specific fatty acid-sugar molecules allow leprosy bacteria, among others, to hide from our immune system. How exactly is not entirely clear. Hessel van Dijk, who received his Ph.D. on October 13, replicated the molecules, ...

Exploring the origin of the supersoft X-ray light curve

By simulating the feedback of the white dwarf (WD) to the periodic mass transfer driven by the X-ray irradiation on its companion, researchers led by Ph.D. candidate Zhao Weitao and Prof. Meng Xiangcun from the Yunnan Observatories ...

Newly discovered process brings immune cells up to speed

Cancer cells use an unusual mechanism to migrate into new tissue and form metastases there. The same process probably also keeps some immune cells on their toes. This is the result of a recent study led by the University ...

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