
Four-day working week movement gathers momentum

A four-day working week continues to gain favor, says Head of Work and Pay at the New Economics Foundation think tank in the UK, Alice Martin, speaking ahead of her appearance at Swinburne's Society 4.0 Conference.

Esther Duflo: French specialist in combatting poverty

Esther Duflo, one of three people awarded the Nobel Economics Prize on Monday, is a high-profile academic feted in the United States and her home country France for her hands-on approach to studying how people can escape ...

Trio win Nobel Economics Prize for work on poverty

A trio of Americans on Monday won the Nobel Economics Prize for their work in the fight against poverty, including Esther Duflo, the youngest-ever economics laureate and only the second woman to win the prize.

Scientists have first 3-D view of life's processes in liquid

A new liquid-cell technology allows scientists to see living biological materials and systems in three dimensions under an electron microscope, according to researchers at Penn State, Virginia Tech and Protochips Inc.

When it comes to teaching science, culture and language matter

For years, one of the highest-rated comedy series on television was The Big Bang Theory, a show whose central characters portray "old, tired images of the science community, sending a resounding message about who belongs ...

The nature of obscured active galactic nuclei

Most galaxies host a supermassive black hole (SMBH) at their nucleus, one whose mass exceeds a million solar-masses. When material actively accretes onto the SMBH, associated processes can produce an active galactic nucleus ...

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