
Increasing crop resistance to pathogens

We all know that animals have an immune system - but plants have systems to fight infection too. Plant cells have receptor proteins which bind with parts of a pathogen. These receptor proteins are located on the surface of ...

Blast waves in the sun's atmosphere

Two teams of researchers led by Nariaki Nitta from the Lockheed Martin Advanced Technology Center in the USA and by Radoslav Bucík from the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research (MPS) in Germany have independently ...

Improving safety in horse racing—it's all in the data

It is one year since the tragic deaths of jockeys Carly-Mae Pye and Caitlin Forrest in Australia. Since then, horse racing has claimed two more lives – track work riders English-born Lizz Rice and German-born Friederike ...

Patrick Rall: A passion for entanglement

For senior Patrick Rall, a native of Munich, Germany, the summer offers one of the year's few chances to visit home. But for the last two summers, Rall, a Caltech physics major, has been spending his summers on campus, drawn ...

Welfare cuts will have negative impact on poor children's health

Dr David Taylor-Robinson and colleagues from the University's Institute of Psychology, Health and Society believe health outcomes for children and young people in the UK will become worse under the new proposals after studying ...

Jupiter, Venus and Mars stand proud in the morning sky

Armagh Observatory reports that the next three weeks, from mid-October to the first week of November, will provide an interesting opportunity to observe a "dance" of the brightest planets Venus, Jupiter and Mars in the morning ...

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