
Smartphone network could track incoming cosmic rays

Your smartphone could become part of the world's largest telescope. A team led by UC Irvine physicist Daniel Whiteson and UC Davis physicist Michael Mulhearn has designed an app to turn the global network of smartphones into ...

'Inner GPS' of bird brains may be better than that of humans

The 2014 Nobel Prize for Physiology and Medicine was awarded to three neuroscientists for their pioneering work on the brain's "inner GPS system". Over the course of four decades, they revealed that a small part in the brain ...

Extreme weather events raise awareness of adaptation needs

Adapting to climate change has reached the political agenda in most European countries, according to the most comprehensive analysis of adaptation in Europe published to date. Extreme weather events and EU policies were the ...

Start signal for transcription of stressed genes identified

What happens when a cell is stressed? In their latest study, Christian Seiser and his team at the Max F. Perutz Laboratories (MFPL) of the University of Vienna and the Medical University of Vienna addressed this question. ...

Can it be real? Augmented reality melds work, play

(AP)—Mark Skwarek is surrounded by infiltrating militants in New York's Central Park. He shoots one, then hearing a noise from behind, spins to take down another. All of a sudden, everything flashes red. He realizes he's ...

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