
When is a comet not a comet? Rosetta finds out

(PhysOrg.com) -- It was a case of celestial hit and run. Two asteroids, both in the wrong place at the wrong time. The result: one big trail of debris and a case of mistaken identity. Now, however, ESA’s comet-chaser ...

Report: AOL, buyout firms mulling bid for Yahoo

(AP) -- Yahoo Inc.'s inability to snap out of a financial funk may be about to turn the embattled Internet company into a takeover target for the second time in less than three years.

Oil boom possible but time is running out

Oil recovery using carbon dioxide could lead to a North Sea oil bonanza worth £150 billion ($240 billion) – but only if the current infrastructure is enhanced now, according to a new study published today by a world-leading ...

IPad Impact: Tablets contribute to PC market pain

(AP) -- Few companies can disrupt an entire industry with a single product launch. But Apple Inc., whose history is filled with such game-changing moments, has done it again with its iPad tablet.

Google urged to drop China name for disputed isles

Japan said on Thursday that Internet giant Google should drop from its map service the Chinese name for a disputed island chain at the centre of a bitter feud between Tokyo and Beijing.

Sony further delays release of Gran Turismo 5

Japan's Sony will again delay the global release of the latest version of its popular "Gran Turismo" car-racing game, which was due out early next month, officials said Thursday.

Homeland Security and spy agency to work together

(AP) -- Computer experts at the secretive National Security Agency are teaming up with the Homeland Security Department in an effort to strengthen the nation's defenses against cyber attacks.

New scanner aims to make liquids on planes safer

The latest airport security technology being developed at Los Alamos National Laboratory could open the door for airline passengers to bring their soft drinks and full-size shampoo bottles on board again.

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