
UK police force publishes all incidents to Twitter

(AP) -- From stolen cars to suspicious smells, one of Britain's biggest police forces is posting every incident it deals with over 24 hours to micro-blogging site Twitter.

Questions fuel 'Ask A Biologist' website success

The Arizona State University online children's science portal, "Ask A Biologist," provides the backdrop for an editor's pick in the Oct. 12 online edition of Public Library of Science (PLoS).

Unsung hero: Researchers produce high-res model of Ndc80 in action

(PhysOrg.com) -- Unless you are in a field of study related to cell biology, you most likely have never heard of Ndc80. Yet this protein complex is essential to mitosis, the process by which a living cell separates its chromosomes ...

Verizon to join AT&T in selling Apple's iPad

(AP) -- In a sign of warming relations between the two companies, Verizon Wireless is going to start selling Apple Inc.'s iPad at the end of this month, the companies said Thursday.

Success in mergers and acquisitions

Could casual Fridays and meeting times determine the success of billion dollar mergers and acquisitions in the business world?

Indian executive describes design innovations of Tata Nano

An executive of an Indian conglomerate credited a corporate culture that encourages innovation with the creation of the world’s cheapest everyday car, a fuel-efficient, $2,500 four-seater that the company plans to export ...

World's most challenging terrain virtually tested by Buick

It's a technology that would captivate anyone who grew up on video games. What if you could create an exact digital replica of one of the world's most challenging roads and then drive virtual cars on it to see what happens?

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