
Pleasure seekers: Clubbing is a controlled rave experience

Clubbers—people who dance the night away in dance clubs—are seeking communal, ecstatic experiences. And, according to a new study in the Journal of Consumer Research, modern clubbers get a more controlled, legalized version ...

Strong elasticity size effects in ZnO nanowires

Recently, zinc oxide (ZnO) nanowires have drawn major interest because of their semiconducting nature and unique optical and piezoelectric properties. Various applications for ZnO nanowires have been conceived, including ...

Facebook is 'social glue' for university freshers

The first few weeks at university can be a difficult time for freshers as they attempt to settle in to their new academic and social life. Researchers at the University of Leicester have found that a high proportion of freshers ...

Celebrity adoption of charitable causes oversold

Celebrities do have the ability to focus awareness on charitable and political causes but their power to move the news machine to shape policy agendas has been oversold, according to recent research published by SAGE in the ...

Extreme nature helps scientists design nano materials

Scientists are using designs in nature from extreme environments to overcome the challenges of producing materials on the nanometre scale. A team from the UK's John Innes Centre, the Scripps Research Institute in California ...

Exports may not rescue UK economy

Hopes that the plunging pound may boost UK exports have been questioned by new research into currency movements.

Why do women get more cavities than men?

Reproduction pressures and rising fertility explain why women suffered a more rapid decline in dental health than did men as humans transitioned from hunter-and-gatherers to farmers and more sedentary pursuits, says a University ...

What do you know? Not as much as you think

We've all met know-it-alls—people who think they know more than they actually do. If they're talking about products, like wine or motorcycles, they might actually know as much as they think. But when it comes to health ...

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