
Dams exacerbate the consequences of climate change on river fish

A potential response of river fish to environmental changes is to colonize new habitats. But what happens when dams and weirs restrict their movement? And are native and alien species similarly affected? Researchers from ...

Reducing nitrogen with boron and beer

Humankind is reliant on the ammonium in synthetic fertilizer for food. However, producing ammonia from nitrogen is extremely energy-intensive and requires the use of transition metals.

Relocated Isle Royale wolves form groups, reduce moose herd

Gray wolves that were taken to Michigan's Isle Royale National Park to rebuild its nearly extinct population are forming social groups, staking out territory and apparently mating—promising signs despite heavy losses from ...

Facebook political ads more partisan, less negative than TV

More political candidates may be shifting primarily to social media to advertise rather than TV, according to a study of advertising trends from the 2018 campaign season. The study, published recently in American Political ...

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