
Novel framework to address uncertainty in water management

International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) researchers have developed a general decision-making framework to support policy decisions on the management of water resources, which, for the first time, explicitly ...

Image: Northeast Ethiopia

The Copernicus Sentinel-1B satellite takes us over Semera in northeast Ethiopia. Semera is a new town with a population of just over 2600 and serves as the capital of the Afar region. The region spans an estimated 270 000 ...

Could coal ash be a viable source of rare-earth metals?

Rare-earth elements, including neodymium and yttrium, are not actually rare – more common, in fact, in the Earth's crust than copper and tin. But, because they are scattered widely, and hard to separate from their surrounding ...

Knowledge transfer creates sustainable Blue Growth

Marine and maritime research plays a vital role in developing our understanding of the seas and creating technology and management techniques for their sustainable use. However, key results are not always widely transferred ...

Japan's commercial whaling bid rejected by IWC

Japan's determined bid to return to commercial whale hunting was rejected by the International Whaling Commission (IWC) Friday in a tense vote that exposed a deep split in the 72-year old organization.

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