
Hubble displays a dwarf spiral galaxy

The subject of this NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image is a dwarf galaxy named NGC 5949. Thanks to its proximity to Earth—it sits at a distance of around 44 million light-years from us, placing it within the Milky Way's ...

Image: A partial solar eclipse seen from space

Thanks to a quirk of our cosmos, the moon's average distance from Earth is just right for it to appear as the same size in the sky as the significantly larger sun. Once in a while the moon slides directly between Earth and ...

Experiments cast doubt on how the Earth was formed

New geochemical research indicates that existing theories of the formation of the Earth may be mistaken. Previously, researchers believed there was a lack of zinc in the Earth's core. However, researchers exploring how zinc ...

The time window for the 1.5-degree target is closing

Earth's climate is out of balance: the planet has been warming since industrialization began, because CO2 increasingly collects in the atmosphere. Even an immediate stop of all emissions would not bring global warming to ...

TRAPPIST-1 is older than our solar system

If we want to know more about whether life could survive on a planet outside our solar system, it's important to know the age of its star. Young stars have frequent releases of high-energy radiation called flares that can ...

Trees and shrubs offer new food crops to diversify the farm

What if we could design a landscape that would provide a variety of nutritious foods, high-quality habitat, and ecosystem services, while also delivering a healthy profit to the landowner? According to University of Illinois ...

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