
Mapping international claims to the Arctic seabed

While maps can certainly enlighten and educate, they can just as easily be used to support certain political narratives. With this in mind, Durham University's Centre for Borders Research (IBRU) has updated its map showing ...

Study examines new method for diagnosing Alzheimer's disease

A team of scientists at the University at Albany and Albany Medical Center have developed a new method for noninvasive diagnostics of Alzheimer's Disease (AD). Taking Raman spectra of blood samples, the research led by Igor ...

Transforming farm residues into biofuels and more

To cut the cost of biofuels, their production-process can be enhanced to include additional valuable biochemical compounds. A recent experimental study focuses on one source of biomass: residues from Brazilian palm oil production.

Australia court sides with Internet firms in piracy row

Australians who illegally downloaded the movie "Dallas Buyers Club" will not be asked to pay for the film just yet, after the Federal Court on Friday decided not to release their names and addresses.

Drawing in the third dimension

Imagine you could reach inside your old Batman comic, grab the Caped Crusader by the shoulder, and spin the whole scene around to get a new 3-D view.

 Has the Baron de Rothschild's lost ship been found?

Baron de Rothschild's lost ship was one of three carrying raw materials from France to the Baron's glass factory near Zichron Yaakov. The ship vanished without a trace in the late 19th century. Has it now been found more ...

Rosetta's big day in the sun

ESA's Rosetta today witnessed Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko making its closest approach to the sun. The exact moment of perihelion occurred at 02:03 GMT this morning when the comet came within 186 million km of the sun.

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