
Tall boulder rolls down martian hill, lands upright

(Phys.org) —A track about one-third of a mile (500 meters) long on Mars shows where an irregularly shaped boulder careened downhill to its current upright position, seen in a July 3, 2014, image from the High Resolution ...

3-D microscope method to look inside brains

(Phys.org) —A University of Utah team discovered a method for turning a small, $40 needle into a 3-D microscope capable of taking images up to 70 times smaller than the width of a human hair. This new method not only produces ...

Forest fires in Spain have evolved with the climate since 1968

A group from the University of Alcalá (Spain) has defined the landscape of forest fires on a nationwide scale over the course of 42 years. The research has found that the abandonment of agricultural land and higher temperatures ...

How arbitrary is language?

Words in the English language are structured to help children learn according to research led by Lancaster University.

How spiders fix their webs

Spider silk is light and delicate, while incredibly resilient and tear-resistant. Understanding the structure and way of construction of these threads is a challenge taken up by a research team of Kiel University. The scientists ...

Online sites shake up hidebound retailing in India

Finding a way into India's vast but vexing market has long frustrated foreign retailers. Now, overseas investors are pouring billions of dollars into e-commerce ventures that are circumventing the barriers holding back retail ...

Hackers tweet resignation of Russian PM

Hackers broke into Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev's Twitter account on Thursday, tweeting his resignation and criticising President Vladimir Putin.

Apple bans use of two chemicals in iPhone assembly

Apple is banning the use of two potentially hazardous chemicals during the final assembly of iPhones and iPads as part of the company's latest commitment to protect the factory workers who build its trendy devices.

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