
Scholars examine ecological underpinnings of rural poverty

Deep in landlocked Africa, a miracle is unfolding. Less than a generation after a genocidal civil war left it in ruins, Rwanda is defying poverty traps that ensnare many other natural resource-dependent developing countries.

Heat-loving quantum oscillations

The rapidly developing science and technology of graphene and atomically-thin materials has taken another step forward with new research from The University of Manchester.

Mississippi mud may hold hope for Louisiana coast

Many studies say capturing Mississippi River sand through diversions is key to rebuilding Louisiana's vanishing coast. But a new study in the open-access journal Earth Surface Dynamics of an old levee breach, or crevasse, ...

Computational imaging on the electric grid

Researchers at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology and the University of Toronto have developed a technology for producing a new understanding of the nighttime landscape—from the office level to the entire city—based ...

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