
Breakthrough technology makes batteries safe and sustainable

As exploding batteries in mobile phones, computers and headphones continue to make headlines, researchers at Swinburne's Centre for Micro-Photonics are one step closer to producing commercially viable, chemical-free, long-lasting, ...

SOFIA finds cool dust around energetic active black holes

Researchers at the University of Texas San Antonio using observations from NASA's Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy, SOFIA, found that the dust surrounding active, ravenous black holes is much more compact ...

Researchers evaluate metrics for measuring schools and teachers

In recent years, 14 states in the U.S. have begun assessing teachers and schools using Value-Added Models, or VAMs. The idea is simple enough: A VAM looks at year-to-year changes in standardized test scores among students, ...

Scientists use simple materials to create semi-soft robots

At the beginning of the decade, George Whitesides helped rewrite the rules of what a machine could be with the development of biologically inspired "soft robots." Now he's poised to rewrite them again, with help from some ...

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