
UN science chief defends work, welcomes review

(AP) -- The head of the U.N. scientific body on climate change defended Friday the work of the thousands of scientists who contribute to its reports, even as he welcomed a review of procedures that produced errors undermining ...

New laser technology brings perfect focus to medical advances

(PhysOrg.com) -- Researchers at the University of St Andrews' School of Physics and Astronomy have developed a new laser imaging technique that overcomes visual distortions and promises advances in deep tissue imaging and ...

NASA fuels space shuttle Atlantis for final voyage

(AP) -- NASA fueled space shuttle Atlantis on Friday for its final journey, a delivery trip to the International Space Station that will provide fresh batteries and extra room.

Wireless users opt for service without commitment

(AP) -- For wireless subscribers, commitment is out and short-term relationships are in. This year, customers have been making a big shift away from two-year contracts toward "prepaid" cell phone service, which often costs ...

Home, preschool and school coordination boosts achievement

Children whose minds are stimulated in several early childhood settings—home, preschool, and school—have higher achievement in elementary school. What matters is not whether children's learning is supported at home, or ...

Android 2.2 launch imminent

(PhysOrg.com) -- The next version of Google's mobile operating system, Android 2.2, codenamed 'Froyo' after frozen yoghurt, is expected to be officially launched next week.

Jupiter has lost one of its cloud stripes

(PhysOrg.com) -- New photographs of the gas giant Jupiter, the first taken on May 9, show the massive reddish band of clouds known as the Southern Equatorial Belt in the planet’s southern hemisphere has disappeared from ...

Parent involvement continues to be important in elementary years

Promoting parent involvement has been a big part of efforts to improve school performance. A new study has found that children whose parents were more involved across elementary school had fewer problem behaviors and better ...

China scientists say cigarette butts protect steel

(AP) -- Chinese scientists say they have found a way for the countless cigarette butts that are tossed every day on streets, beaches and other public places to be reused - in protecting steel pipes from rusting.

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