
Smart career planning

Who'll be the best fit for the company? While human resources experts often find it difficult to identify suitable candidates or evaluate existing employees' talents and skills, assessment centers undoubtedly provide a useful ...

New method for recovering pricey nanoparticles

Scientists are reporting first use of a new method that may make it easier for manufacturers to recover, recycle, and reuse nanoparticles, some of which ounce for ounce can be more precious than gold. The method, which offers ...

The onion, a natural alternative to artificial preservatives

Some components of the onion have antioxidant and antimicrobial properties, making it possible to use this bulb for food preservation. This is demonstrated by researchers from the Polytechnic University of Cataluna (UPC) ...

NASA to Launch Robonaut 2 Robot to International Space Station

(PhysOrg.com) -- NASA will launch the first human-like robot to space later this year to become a permanent resident of the International Space Station. Robonaut 2, or R2, was developed jointly by NASA and General Motors ...

3 finalists in prize for technology breakthroughs

(AP) -- Three European inventors who helped create illuminated wallpapers, tiny fast processors in mobile phones, and cheap, high-performance cells used in solar panels are finalists in the euro1.1 million ($1.5 million) ...

Grass Shows Promise for Removing Antibiotics from Water

(PhysOrg.com) -- What goes in must come out, and when animals are given antibiotics, they can find their way into the water supply. Now, a Michigan Tech senior has identified one way to sop them up.

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