
A cure for honey bee colony collapse?

For the first time, scientists have isolated the parasite Nosema ceranae (Microsporidia) from professional apiaries suffering from honey bee colony depopulation syndrome. They then went on to treat the infection with complete ...

Next generation nanofilms created

With the human genome in hand, biochemists have cataloged the 3-D structures of thousands of proteins isolated from living cells. But one important class of proteins -- those stuck in the cell membranes -- has proven difficult ...

Google Gets Ready For The Next Version of Android

(PhysOrg.com) -- Android 1.5 is right around the corner and this version promises better camera and GPS performance, support for video recording and Bluetooth stereo. Also included in this new version is support for soft ...

EU to sue Britain over Internet privacy

(AP) -- The European Union started legal action against Britain on Tuesday for not applying EU data privacy rules that would restrict an Internet advertising tracker called Phorm from watching how users surf the Web.

Biofuels could hasten climate change

A new study finds that it will take more than 75 years for the carbon emissions saved through the use of biofuels to compensate for the carbon lost when biofuel plantations are established on forestlands. If the original ...

Guam rhino beetles got rhythm

In May 2008 the island of Guam became a living laboratory for scientists as they attached acoustic equipment to coconut trees in order to listen for rhinoceros beetles. A grant from USDA IPM allowed Richard Mankin, a recognized ...

Life Expectancy on the Rise -- Even for Quantum States

(PhysOrg.com) -- For the first time, scientists have succeeded in measuring and controlling the lifetime of quantum states with potential use in optoelectronic chips. This achievement is highly significant for the ongoing ...

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