
Cities can be part of the solution in sustaining species

A newly published study led by Yale School of the Environment researchers found that a projected urban expansion of up to 1.53 million square kilometers over the next three decades threatens the survival of more than 800 ...

Hot springs reveal where continental plates collide beneath Tibet

In the classic example of mountain-building, the Indian and Asian continental plates crashed—and continue colliding today—to form the world's largest and highest geologic structures: the Himalayan Mountains and the Tibetan ...

In a surprise move, honeybee tongue hairs repel water

A honeybee pokes out its tongue—which is densely covered in hairs—to lap up nectar and other liquids. Now, researchers report in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces that those hairs are water repellent. That's unexpected, ...

Extended stellar halo detected in the Fornax galaxy

Using ESA's Gaia space observatory, astronomers have explored the Fornax dwarf spheroidal galaxy. They discovered that this galaxy has an extended stellar halo, spanning more than 17,000 light years. The finding was detailed ...

1st study of LGBT+ physicists reveals red flags

LGBT+ physicists often face harassment and other behaviors that make them leave the profession, according to a new study, which comes as physics as a discipline has attempted to grapple with equity and inclusion issues.

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