
Stephen Hawking's death lights up the Twitterverse

Stephen Hawking's death on Wednesday left the universe a slightly dimmer place but lit up social media as academics, politicians and celebrities alike praised a scientist whose appeal crossed time, space and cultural boundaries.

ALS: The disease that Stephen Hawking defied for decades

British physicist Stephen Hawking was one of the most famous sufferers of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), the fatal neurological disease that paralysed his body but did nothing to curb his contribution to science.

In the US, small organic milk producers face turmoil

With supply exceeding demand, large farms taking center stage and plant-based alternatives luring consumers away, times are hard for small organic milk producers in the United States.

Greek innovation drive catches Tesla's attention

When a group of Greek students dreamt up the Pyrforos electric vehicle, they never imagined their futuristic, energy-efficient invention would inspire US automaker Tesla to invest in their crisis-hit country.

Stephen Hawking: a brief history of genius

Stephen Hawking, who has died aged 76, was Britain's most famous modern day scientist, a genius who dedicated his life to unlocking the secrets of the Universe.

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