
Anglo-Saxon royal village discovered

(Phys.org) —Archaeologists in Suffolk have found conclusive evidence of the long-lost Anglo-Saxon royal settlement whose people buried their kings at Sutton Hoo.

NASA's latest smartphone satellite ready for launch

(Phys.org) —NASA's preparing to send its fifth in a series of smartphone-controlled small spacecraft into orbit. PhoneSat 2.5 will ride into space as part of the SpaceX-3 commercial cargo resupply mission to the International ...

Tethered robots tested for Internet-connected ocean observatory

(Phys.org) —The University of Washington this fall will complete installation of a massive digital ocean observatory. Dozens of instruments will connect to power and Internet cables on the seafloor, but the observatory ...

Reducing debris threat from satellite batteries

(Phys.org) —Across a satellite's working life, batteries keep the craft's heart beating whenever it leaves sunlight. But after its mission ends, those same batteries may threaten catastrophe.

Disinfecting honey comb with ozone

Sometimes even honey bees need help with "housekeeping," especially when it comes to cleaning their honeycombs once the honey's been removed. U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) research has shown that fumigating honeycombs ...

Seizures show scale of pangolin peril

(Phys.org) —Pangolins, insect-eating mammals that live in tropical parts of Africa and Asia, are under threat from a growing inter-continental illegal trade in the animals and their scales, according to a new report.

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