
Living peacefully with coyotes means respecting their boundaries

On average, three people per year are "attacked" (that means bitten or scratched) by coyotes across Canada. In comparison, an average of 180 Canadians per year are reportedly struck by lightening. Critically, 100 percent ...

Musk shows how they're planning to catch SuperHeavy boosters

SpaceX's entire business model is based on the reusability of its rockets. That business model has proven viable time and time again as boosters continue to land safely only to be reused later. But as the rockets they're ...

The science behind jealousy

Jealousy can feel like a useless, silly and destructive emotion. But it actually serves an important protective purpose.

Solving the ice problem in cryo-electron microscopy

Cryo-EM requires protein samples to be frozen before they are imaged using an electron microscope. This revolutionary technique and its application to structural biology was the focus of the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 2017 ...

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