
Australia's coastal wetlands 'need room to move'

(Phys.org)—As sea levels climb, Australia's coastal wetlands will be increasingly trapped between urban development on land and the rising ocean, imperilling the survival of their unique plants, birds and fish, leading ...

Device tosses out unusable PV wafers

Silicon wafers destined to become photovoltaic (PV) cells can take a bruising through assembly lines, as they are oxidized, annealed, purified, diffused, etched, and layered to reach their destinies as efficient converters ...

Tree physics limits height and leaf size, study shows

(Phys.org)—Why are the leaves on the tallest trees all about the same size, and why aren't those tall trees even taller? It all has to do with basic scientific principles at work in nature, according to researchers at Harvard ...

Bacteria breakthrough for safer food

(Phys.org)—Chicken meat and other foods will be able to be screened for bacteria even faster and more effectively than ever, thanks to breakthrough nanobiotechnology research.

Study examines chemists' decision-making processes

(Phys.org)—Though we may not realize it, our minds spend a lot of time dis­carding infor­ma­tion. More like a big-​​box store than a box of choco­lates, life is con­stantly throwing us infor­ma­tion we don't ...

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