
Image: Mystery mounds on Mars

Intriguing mounds of light-toned layered deposits sit inside Juventae Chasma, surrounded by a bed of soft sand and dust.

Galileo achieves its first airborne tracking

ESA's Galileo satellites have achieved their very first aerial fix of longitude, latitude and altitude, enabling the inflight tracking of a test aircraft.

Image: March of asteroids across dying star

(Phys.org) —In an unexpected juxtaposition of cosmic objects that are actually quite far from each other, a newly released image from NASA's Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) shows a dying star, called the Helix ...

Image: Sunny outlook

A composite of space- and ground-based observations in different wavelengths gathered on the day of the solar eclipse of 3 November 2013. The result is an overall view of the Sun and its surrounding corona, extending far ...

Lack of monitoring impairs bat conservation research

Millions of pounds are being spent to protect bats from disturbance by building development and renovations, however a lack of follow-up monitoring makes it difficult to tell whether conservation efforts are effective.

Why does a capsicum picked green stay green?

Shoppers hoping their browny-green capsicums will eventually ripen into those beautiful pillar box red ones will always be disappointed. University of Adelaide researchers have shed new light on why capsicums picked green ...

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