
EU bank watchdog warns over Bitcoin

The European Union's banking watchdog on Friday issued a warning over virtual currency trading amid huge swings in the value of Bitcoin, a lack of regulation and money laundering risks.

EU court annuls Commission approval of BASF's GM potato

The EU's second highest court Friday annulled a European Commission decision to authorise a genetically modified potato developed by German giant BASF, saying it had not followed proper procedure.

The tough task of finding fossils while wearing a spacesuit

Someday, human explorers might momentously discover fossils on Mars, proving that the Red Planet once supported extraterrestrial life. An interplanetary expedition of this sort will have overcome major obstacles, such as ...

Volcano's legacy still washing up on beaches

Pieces of pumice from the same volcanic eruption that caused the largest pumice raft seen in 50 years have continued to wash up on Queensland shores this week.

Climate change and the future of Mono Lake

Guleed Ali pauses to study his notebook, standing on a steep slope covered in gray volcanic ash and desert brush, high above the present-day shore of Mono Lake in eastern California. He looks across the slope to where, a ...

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