
Early income-tax filing not the best deal

The early bird doesn't always get the worm. Moreover, said a consumer-finance expert in Penn State's College of Agricultural Sciences, being in a hurry to file your federal income tax forms in pursuit of a quick refund isn't ...

Planet Earth's playhouse

At Biosphere 2, scientists can move things around, control the climate, turn off certain parameters and run others full tilt.

Manufacturing medical implants at a high speed

Intelligent software from Siemens for virtual planning and for the control of machine tools is making it possible for medical implants to be manufactured faster and less expensively. The challenge with artificial knee, shoulder, ...

First four exoplanet systems imaged

Among one of the first exoplanet systems imaged was HR 8799. In 2008, a team led by Christian Marois at the Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics in Canada, took a picture of the system directly imaging three giant planets. ...

When it comes to selecting a mate, the eyes have it: study

For the first time ever, scientists have found a difference in the way males and females of the same species of vertebrate see things – and that sexes likely use that difference to select their mates.

Research finds large uncertainty in carbon footprint calculating

How much is that new computer server contributing to your company's carbon footprint? What about the laptop you bought your child for Christmas? As it turns out, answering those questions may be more difficult than you might ...

This is a man's world? Yes and no, says new book

"Man up!" is an emerging expression whose significance has become loaded in our society, according to Anthony Synnott, a professor at the Concordia University Department of Sociology and Anthropology. In his most recent book, ...

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