
The hidden 'evil twin' of climate change

According to the results of a major new national survey published by the University, the majority of the British public has a very low awareness of the issue of ocean acidification, with around only one-in-five participants ...

No quick fix for threats to women on Twitter

The Women, Action and the Media (WAM) activist group announced on Friday a collaboration with Twitter to address online harassment of women, which it claims has "reached crisis levels".

Would we be better off if we sent email into retirement?

This year saw the 43rd anniversary of email. Compared to a human working life, email has after more than four decades on the job now reached retirement age. Is it time for email to step aside to allow us to embrace the alternative?

Toward better forecasting of fish resources

Its turbid cold waters are home to the largest fish stocks in the world: the Humboldt Current system, which runs along the Peruvian and Chilean coasts, boasts exceptional biological productivity thanks to a very intense coastal ...

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