
The culinary habits of the Stonehenge builders

A team of archaeologists at the University of York have revealed new insights into cuisine choices and eating habits at Durrington Walls – a Late Neolithic monument and settlement site thought to be the residence for the ...

Woodside taps IBM's supercomputer to bolster operations

Woodside Petroleum is hoping to maximise efficiency and cut down on unnecessary costs by utilising IBM's gameshow-winning Watson cognitive computer system as the oil and gas industry battles uncertainty from the prolonged ...

A particle purely made of nuclear force

Scientists at TU Wien (Vienna) have calculated that the meson f0(1710) could be a very special particle – the long-sought-after glueball, a particle composed of pure force.

Re-thinking plant and insect diversity

New research by biologists at the University of York shows that plant and insect diversity is more loosely linked than scientists previously believed.

Anatomy of an 'Ice Station'

Completing an "Ice Station" means collecting samples over a wide range of Arctic water and ice conditions. Each station means a major orchestration of people and resources. The teams gather, equipment is assembled, and ...

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