
A resonator for electrons

Resonators are an important tool in physics. The curved mirrors inside the resonators usually focus light waves that act, for instance, on atoms. Physicists at ETH Zurich have now managed to build a resonator for electrons ...

Team extends the lifetime of atoms using a mirror

Researchers at Chalmers University of Technology have succeeded in an experiment where they get an artificial atom to survive ten times longer than normal by positioning the atom in front of a mirror. The findings were recently ...

EU lawmakers reject GM crop compromise

EU lawmakers on Tuesday rejected a hard-won compromise which allows member states to decide for themselves whether or not to import Genetically Modified Organisms for use in food and animal feed.

Belief in higher returns from private equity may be misplaced

New research at the Luxembourg School of Finance suggests that investor belief in higher returns by investing in private equity investment funds may be misplaced, calling into question their rising popularity.

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