
More coal doesn't equal more peak power

The proposed closure date for Liddell, AGL's ancient and unreliable coal power station, is five years and probably two elections away. While AGL has asked for 90 days to come up with a plan to deliver equivalent power into ...

Should the US put power lines underground?

It is the height of a highly destructive hurricane season in the United States. The devastation of Harvey in Texas and Louisiana caused nearly 300,000 customers to lose electricity service, and Hurricane Irma has cut service ...

Alternative CRISPR system is less specific, more robust

The genetic tool adept at line-by-line gene editing, CRISPR, has revolutionized the ability of scientists to manipulate genes for experimental, and perhaps someday therapeutic, purposes. But it comes in several varieties. ...

Elephants are changing their behaviour in fear of poachers

Research, conducted by Save The Elephants and the University of Twente in partnership with the Kenya Wildlife Service, has discovered that elephants move more at night in areas that suffer high levels of poaching, turning ...

How does the sea 'disappear' when a hurricane passes by?

You may have seen the media images of bays and coastlines along Hurricane Irma's track, in which the ocean has eerily "disappeared", leaving locals amazed and wildlife stranded. What exactly was happening?

Driving the universal quantum bus

NIST scientists have achieved a world record in detecting the intensity of an ultra-faint source of light, equaling the capabilities of the deep-space instruments on the Hubble Space Telescope but operating 100 times faster ...

Cassini's search for the building blocks of life on Titan

Lakes and seas of liquid methane, rain from hydrocarbon clouds, and evidence of poisonous hydrogen cyanide in the atmosphere of Titan were just some of the discoveries the Cassini probe made of Saturns's largest moon.

The beam of invisibility

How do we make an object invisible? Researchers from TU Wien (Vienna), together with colleagues from Greece and the USA, have now developed a new idea for a cloaking technology. A completely opaque material is irradiated ...

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