
Imaging how magnetism goes surfing

Using advanced dynamic imaging, researchers have been able to visualise deformation (sound) waves in crystals and measured the effect on nanomagnetic elements. This offers new low power magnetization manipulation for memory ...

Scientists map key DNA protein complex at near-atomic resolution

Chalking up another success for a new imaging technology that has energized the field of structural biology, researchers at the Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) obtained the highest ...

VLT makes first detection of titanium oxide in an exoplanet

A team of astronomers led by Elyar Sedaghati, an ESO fellow and recent graduate of TU Berlin, has examined the atmosphere of the exoplanet [WASP-19b] in greater detail than ever before. This remarkable planet has about the ...

Scientists create alternate evolutionary histories in a test tube

Scientists at the University of Chicago studied a massive set of genetic variants of an ancient protein, discovering a myriad of other ways that evolution could have turned out and revealing a central role for chance in evolutionary ...

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