
In physics, a famous paradox that hangs by a thread of light

Imagine a metal bar that has been heated at one end. Instead of the heat gradually spreading over its entire length, the bar eventually becomes hot again at the place where it was originally. The fact that, paradoxically, ...

Tracking down the reactivity of catalysts

An international team of chemists has found a method to accelerate the development of new catalysts. Using NMR spectroscopy together with computational chemisty, they can evaluate whether or not molecules can enable reactions.

Teaching robots how to move objects

With the push of a button, months of hard work were about to be put to the test. Sixteen teams of engineers convened in a cavernous exhibit hall in Nagoya, Japan, for the 2017 Amazon Robotics Challenge. The robotic systems ...

Prescription drugs found in York's rivers

Scientists have detected 29 different pharmaceutical drugs in York's two rivers – with some levels higher than previously observed across parts of Europe and Asia.

NCAR-based climate model gets a significant upgrade

The National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) has released an updated version of its flagship climate model to include a host of new capabilities—from a much more realistic representation of Greenland's evolving ice ...

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