
A vertical matrix X-ray detector for multi-energy discrimination

There are three types of cone cells in the retina that are called L-cones (sensitive to red light), M-cones (sensitive to green light), and S-cones (sensitive to blue light). The coordinated response of cone cells to visible ...

Black hole winds are no longer as they used to be

During the first billion years of the universe, winds blown by supermassive black holes at the centers of galaxies were much more frequent and more powerful than those observed in today's galaxies, some 13 billion years later. ...

How variability shapes learning and generalization

Variability is crucially important for learning new skills. Consider learning how to serve in tennis. Should you always practice serving from the exact same location on the court, aiming at exactly the same spot? Although ...

Video: Gaia, the billion star surveyor

ESA's Gaia space telescope revolutionizes our understanding of the Milky Way. It scans the sky to measure the position, movement, distance, and characteristics of billions of stars.

Deindustrialization as fact and fiction

The declining importance of manufacturing in rich societies is associated with deep concerns, but also with the hope of opening up new opportunities for economic development. As a result, predictions of a structural change ...

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