
Flare detected from the galaxy NGC 3516

Astronomers have conducted photometric and spectroscopic observation of a changing-look Seyfert galaxy known as NGC 3516. During this monitoring campaign, the researchers detected a flare from this galaxy that may provide ...

COVID-19 policy could lead to a spike in methane emissions

A new report from the International Energy Agency (IEA), published on March 31, shows that global methane emissions from the oil and gas sector increased by nearly four percent from 2018 to 2019. That trend could continue ...

New method will make doping tests quicker

Skoltech scientists and their colleagues proposed a way to simplify the search for traces of medicines, narcotic substances and sports doping drugs in human biological samples by performing two additional tests with the search ...

Image: Hubble spots spirals within a spiral

At first glance, the subject of this NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image looks to be a simple spiral galaxy, with two pinwheeling arms emerging from a central bar of stars and material that cuts through the galactic ...

COVID-19 is another wake up call for food security

With lockdowns ordered to contain the COVID-19 pandemic—that has reached 183 countries, infected over 1.7 million people and caused over 100,000 deaths—there are fears of food shortages caused by panic buying and supply ...

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