
Research team develops new CRISPR diagnostic test

The simplicity of urine sampling has been combined with the excellent sensing abilities of CRISPR to improve diagnostic testing for kidney transplant patients, an international research team reports in the journal Nature ...

Scientists discover supernova that outshines all others

A supernova at least twice as bright and energetic, and likely much more massive than any yet recorded has been identified by an international team of astronomers, led by the University of Birmingham.

Cell membrane proteins imaged in 3-D

A team of scientists including researchers at the National Synchrotron Light Source II (NSLS-II)—a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science User Facility at DOE's Brookhaven National Laboratory—have demonstrated ...

Baking sourdough? Biologist discusses yeast and fermentation

As most people are cooped up at home amid the COVID-19 pandemic, many are occupying their time by baking and experimenting in the kitchen. So much so in fact that baking ingredients—flour, yeast and eggs to name a few—have ...

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