
Ice streams can be slowed down by gas hydrates

A sticky spot the size of a small island once slowed down a large ice stream. It was comprised of gas hydrates according to a new study in Nature Geoscience.

Philanthropy and inequality

Recent incidents in places such as Ferguson, Mo., Staten Island, N.Y., and elsewhere vividly unfolded in the news media. Murders of unarmed black men at the hands of the police and the protests that followed reminded the ...

New 'hot Jupiter' discovered by Kepler's K2 mission

(Phys.org)—Despite losing its two reaction wheels, NASA's Kepler spacecraft hasn't stopped amazing the scientific community by detecting new alien worlds. The repurposed Kepler mission, called K2, has recently discovered ...

Entrepreneurship in agriculture and healthcare

Care farming provides an interesting context of multifunctional agriculture where farmers face the challenge of having to bridge the gap between agriculture and healthcare and acquire new customers, partners and financial ...

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