
Mobile climate station heads to Finland

(Phys.org) —Last year, the mobile climate-sensing facility called AMF2 spent its days cruising Pacific waters, fixed aboard a working cargo ship traveling back and forth between Hawaii and Los Angeles. Its next stop is ...

Game-winning 'momentum' illusion is but a delusion

(Phys.org) —A hot hand may be hokum: Cornell researchers have examined the concept of "winning momentum" with varsity college hockey teams, and they conclude that momentum advantages don't exist, says a new study in the ...

Facebook graph reveals who you love

(Phys.org) —Even if you're not shouting it from the housetops, there's a good chance the structure of your Facebook neighborhood will identify your romantic partner.

Solar-powered irrigation systems in Pakistan

Beginning with the Green Revolution of the 1960's, Pakistan has made remarkable strides in feeding a population that today is quickly approaching the 200 million mark, making it the fifth-largest nation in the world. Despite ...

What to expect from Dyson's new robotics lab

James Dyson's decision to fund a robotics laboratory at Imperial College London may not lead to the super advanced robot friends of our dreams, but what he has planned could make robotic domestic appliances significantly ...

A good year to find a comet

(Phys.org) —A team of European astronomers has found a previously unknown comet, detected as a tiny blob of light orbiting our Sun deep in the Solar System.

German official doubtful on binding no-spy deal

The German government's new coordinator for trans-Atlantic relations says he doubts talks aimed at securing a "no-spy" agreement with the U.S. will produce a deal that's legally binding.

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