
DNA dumpster diving

Since the 1960s, it's largely been assumed that most of the DNA in the human genome was junk. It didn't encode proteins—the main activity of our genes— so it was assumed to serve no purpose. But Assistant Professor of ...

Using spider silk to detect molecules

At EPFL, fiber optics specialists have discovered some unique qualities of spider silk when it comes to conducting light and reacting to certain substances.

"Hearing" the explosions in North Korea

International experts are far from convinced that North Korea actually conducted its first H-bomb test, which was reported by the country this week. In the meantime, South Korea is blasting pop music, weather and news broadcasts ...

Tackling cattle fever ticks with vaccines

The economic impact of cattle fever ticks, including the southern cattle fever tick, Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus, was so severe in the late 1800s that the U.S. Department of Agriculture started an eradication program ...

Norway firm quits $1.5bn Nepal hydropower project

Norwegian company Statkraft has said it is dropping plans to build a $1.5 billion hydropower plant in Nepal, citing bureaucratic hurdles and political instability in the troubled Himalayan nation.

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