
Glass for battery electrodes

Today's lithium-ion batteries are good, but not good enough if our future energy system is to rely on electrical power. Chemists and materials scientists at ETH Zurich have developed a type of glass that can be used as an ...

Stalking risk increases among college students

According to a study by the Crime Victims' Institute at Sam Houston State University, college students are at higher risk for stalking than the general public, but are less likely to report the crime to police.

Photonic crystal nanolaser biosensor simplifies DNA detection

A simple method to sense DNA, as well as potential biomarker proteins of cancer or other diseases such as Alzheimer's, may soon be within reach - thanks to the work of a team of Yokohama National University researchers in ...

Cold plasma treatment cuts norovirus germs

Treating surfaces with cold atmospheric pressure plasma (CAPP) may reduce the risk of transmitting norovirus, a contagious virus leading to stomach pain, nausea and diarrhea, according to a new study.

Are gamma ray bursts dangerous?

If comics have taught me anything, it's that gamma powered superheroes and villains are some of the most formidable around.

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