
College textbooks largely overlook the most common animals

A recent study of textbooks aimed at introductory biology courses finds that they devote less than one percent of their text to discussing insects, which make up more than 60 percent of animal species. The study authors argue ...

Alstom, Siemens offer Brussels merger concessions

French and German engineering giants Alstom and Siemens said Wednesday they had offered EU regulators concessions they believed would meet concerns over the planned merger of their railway businesses.

Eyes in the sky capture carbon, other climate culprits

A growing fleet of satellites is monitoring man-made greenhouse gas emissions from space, spurred by the need to track down major sources of climate changing gases such as methane and carbon dioxide.

InSight Mars lander takes its first selfie

NASA's InSight lander isn't camera-shy. The spacecraft used a camera on its robotic arm to take its first selfieā€”a mosaic made up of 11 images. This is the same imaging process used by NASA's Curiosity rover mission, in ...

Red gold: Afghanistan saffron production grows

Starting before dawn has even broken, Afghanistan's army of saffron pickers shift their way across sun-baked fields to pluck the brightly coloured crocuses that are providing the country's farmers with a new means of income.

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