
TACC develops visualization software for humanities researchers

The Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) at The University of Texas at Austin has released MostPixelsEver: Cluster Edition, an open source software tool that allows researchers, especially those in the humanities, to create ...

Tsunami caused long-term ecosystem change in the Caribbean

A detailed analysis of sediments from the island of Bonaire in the Caribbean presents convincing evidence for an extraordinary wave impact dating back some 3,300 years, even though no historical records of tsunamis exist ...

Advance in chromosomal evolution in sea cradles

A chromosomal study performed in a common Mediterranean chiton (sea cradle) provides information, relevant to systematic relationships of the species; furthermore the comparison of its karyotype with ones in literature allows ...

Path towards non-Si devices presented at IEDM 2012

At this week's IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM 2012), imec addressed key challenges of scaling beyond silicon-channel finFETs. Imec showed that channel mobility can be boosted by growing non-Si channels ...

Indy to replace entire fleet with electric, hybrid

Indianapolis wants to become the first major city to replace its entire fleet with electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles in a move the mayor says is designed to reduce U.S. reliance on foreign-produced fuels, city officials ...

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