
Cuba, US scientists kick off cooperation meeting

Scientists from the Cuba and United States will Monday begin a five-day meeting aimed at exploring opportunities for cooperation on range of research fields, including biological and environmental sciences, and science policy, ...

New application makes supercomputing simple

(PhysOrg.com) -- A new open source application developed at Murdoch University is giving researchers a revolutionary new way of accessing supercomputers.

Quantum tunneling results in record transistor performance

(PhysOrg.com) -- Controlling power consumption in mobile devices and large scale data centers is a pressing concern for the computer chip industry. Researchers from Penn State and epitaxial wafer maker IQE have created a ...

Moon cycles and petrels... migration and mating

Creatures on Earth have annual cycles consisting of life history stages of breeding, moult and migration. For some, moon cycles influence their periodic behavior, particularly in the case of birds. New research from Université ...

Teaching machines to recognize shapes

As any parent knows, teaching a toddler to recognize objects involves trial-and-error. A child, for example, may not initially recognize a cow in a picture-book after seeing the live animal on a farm and being told its label. ...

The Bronze Age - now in 3D

(PhysOrg.com) -- The world will get its first glimpse of one of the most significant later Bronze Age sites ever recorded in Britain today, yielding a rare and extraordinarily detailed view of life 3,000 years ago.

Cambridge University puts Newton's papers online

(PhysOrg.com) -- In a project that has long been overdue, Cambridge University, thanks to a hefty gift from the Polonsky Foundation (supporter of education and arts) and a grant from Britain’s Joint Information Services ...

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