
What leads citizens to vote for 'anti-establishment' parties?

The first national elections that were held in Europe after the economic crisis of 2008 revealed rather a clear political map. In almost all countries (especially in southern and eastern Europe), challenger parties obtained ...

Applying biodiversity conservation research in practice

One million species are threatened with extinction, many of them already in the coming decades. This unprecedented loss of biodiversity threatens valuable ecosystems and human well-being. But what is holding us back from ...

Fishmeal developed for sustainable aquaculture

Aquaculture in Sweden could be more sustainable if by-products from industrial feed production were used instead of wild-caught aquafeed, according to studies at the University of Gothenburg.

Iron-based solar cells on track to becoming more efficient

An international study led from Lund University in Sweden shows that 30 percent of the energy in a certain type of light-absorbing iron molecule disappears in a previously unknown manner. By closing this loophole, the researchers ...

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