
Startup working to turn hoverboards into reality

The more your knees quiver, the more the 90 pound board you're perched on, floating above a pillow of air, seems about to shoot out from under your feet. A high-pitched engine scream bounces from the sheet of copper as you ...

Rosetta begins descending to comet 67P (WATCH LIVE)

Hundreds of millions of miles from Earth, a speeding European spacecraft released a lander toward the icy, dusty surface of a comet on Wednesday, setting off a seven-hour countdown to an audacious attempt to answer some of ...

Drone sightings up dramatically (Update)

The U.S. government is getting near-daily reports—and sometimes two or three a day—of drones flying near airplanes and helicopters or close to airports without permission, federal and industry officials tell The Associated ...

China's online holiday sets record $9.3B sales

China's largest Internet retailer rang up more than $9 billion during the country's biggest online shopping holiday, smashing last year's figure to set a record for a single day of sales.

Gas can be a bridge to a low-carbon future

Major new research by the UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC) suggests that gas could play an important role as a 'bridging fuel' to a low-carbon economy, but warns that it won't be long before gas becomes part of the problem ...

Japan's smartphone 'zombies' wreak havoc on the streets

When the lights change at the Shibuya crossing in Japan's capital, one of the world's busiest pedestrian thoroughfares, hundreds of people with their eyes glued to smartphones pick their way over the road.

US and China announce 'historic' climate accord (Update)

The United States and China on Wednesday announced ambitious targets on greenhouse gas emissions as part of a "historic" pact that climate scientists acclaimed but US Republicans denounced as a job-killer.

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