
Rosetta spacecraft may help unravel cosmic mystery (w/ Video)

When Europe's comet chaser Rosetta swings by Earth tomorrow for a critical gravity assist, tracking data will be collected to precisely measure the satellite's change in orbital energy. The results could help unravel a cosmic ...

Sweet as can be: How E. coli gets ahead

Scientists at the University of York have discovered how certain bacteria such as Escherichia coli have evolved to capture rare sugars from their environment giving them an evolutionary advantage in naturally competitive ...

A glimpse at the Earth's crust deep below the Atlantic

Long-term variations in volcanism help explain the birth, evolution and death of striking geological features called oceanic core complexes on the ocean floor, says geologist Dr Bram Murton of the National Oceanography Centre, ...

Behavior modification could ease concerns about nanoparticles

In an advance that could help ease health and environmental concerns about the emerging nanotechnology industry, scientists are reporting development of technology for changing the behavior of nanoparticles in municipal sewage ...

Researchers turn algae into high-temperature hydrogen source

In the quest to make hydrogen as a clean alternative fuel source, researchers have been stymied about how to create usable hydrogen that is clean and sustainable without relying on an intensive, high-energy process that outweighs ...

New explanation for nature's hardiest life form

Got food poisoning? The cause might be bacterial spores, en extremely hardy survival form of bacteria, a nightmare for health care and the food industry and an enigma for scientists. Spore-forming bacteria, present almost ...

10 unusual gadgets and gifts for geeks

Nerds. Geeks. Fanboys. Whatever you call them, the comics aficionados, movie buffs and videogame enthusiasts who dwell amongst us can be really hard to shop for. But it gets dramatically worse this time of year, when everyone ...

Explained: RNA interference

Every high school biology student learns the basics of how genes are expressed: DNA, the cell’s master information keeper, is copied into messenger RNA, which carries protein-building instructions to the ribosome, the part ...

Do we need dark matter?

It's the biggest problem in physics: the matter we can see in the universe accounts for just five per cent of the observed gravity that holds galaxies together.

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