
Synthetic cells communicate with organic cells

Many things are already possible when it comes to mimicking organic cells. For example, Jan van Hest's group has developed a synthetic cell platform in which all kinds of cell aspects can be mimicked in order to better understand ...

Why Europe is so vulnerable to heat waves

This year saw high-temperature records shattered across much of Europe, as crops withered in the fields due to widespread drought. Is this a harbinger of things to come as the Earth's climate steadily warms up?

Using photochemistry to separate plutonium and uranium

A team of researchers at Los Alamos National Laboratory has developed a way to use photochemistry to separate plutonium and uranium—work that could make it easier to store nuclear waste. In their paper published in the ...

Magnesium ions slow down water dynamics on short length scales

The presence of ions affects the structure and dynamics of water on a multitude of length and time scales. New results from ultrafast spectroscopy and theoretical analyses show that the water environment of specific pairs ...

Hubble spots ultra-speedy jet blasting from star crash

Astronomers using NASA's Hubble Space Telescope have made a unique measurement that indicates a jet, plowing through space at speeds greater than 99.97% the speed of light, was propelled by the titanic collision between two ...

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