
Oil-slick ship at risk of breaking up: NZealand PM

Fears grew Wednesday that a ship stuck on a New Zealand reef may break up and release a new tide of oil, as its captain was charged over the nation's worst maritime pollution disaster.

Murky future for giant Philippine crocodiles

Deep inside the Philippines' largest marshland, tribespeople who once revered crocodiles as mystical creatures say they now feel terrorised by them.

Australian parliament passes divisive carbon tax

Australia's lower house on Wednesday passed a contentious new tax on carbon pollution to combat climate change which has angered many voters and threatens Prime Minister Julia Gillard's hold on power.

Second Dutch nuclear rail shipment heads to France

A train carrying nuclear waste on Tuesday left the Netherlands bound for a recycling plant in France, the second such shipment that has sparked ire and protests of anti-nuclear activists.

Unauthorized access hits Sony PlayStation accounts

Sony said Wednesday intruders staged a massive attempt to access user accounts on its PlayStation Network and other online entertainment services in the second major attack on its flagship gaming site this year.

Review: It's not an iPhone 5, but so what?

To some people, Apple's new iPhone 4S isn't the complete overhaul they have been hoping for. Its model number, which doesn't include a "5," reeks of the status quo.

PayPal to announce online shopping login service

(AP) -- PayPal, eBay's online payment service, plans to announce a new service Wednesday that aims to make it easier to shop online by cutting down on the number of accounts consumers have to create with various Web retailers.

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